Discovered in a secret storage vault of an eccentric art collector, this collection of feline-centric art belonged to the early 21st century medial personality and crazy cat person, Klaus, of the Haus of Klaus. This portfolio contains 32 works of art perfect for the cat lover, including a rare, framed Mr. Pebbles poster “signed” by the space-faring cat himself.
General Daswolfen of the Minutemen, Paladin of the Brotherhood, savior of the Commonwealth has decided to release this and the subsequent finds of pre-war art and artifacts to be released to the citizens of the Commonwealth at no cost, for them to enjoy.
This mod was inspired by the YouTube streamer, Klaus, of the Haus of Klaus. Check out his YouTube channel here( He has great settlement builds and play videos.
This mod would not have been possible without the tutorials of the great Elianora. Her YouTube channel is filled with great tutorials for Fallout and Skyrim( She also has many fantastic mods that deserve a place in your load order :) Here are her mods on Nexus -
I hope you enjoy this, my first actual mod :)
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