Ported on request
Mod made by Bwones - Winterworld - Eggroll - Diacute Diakyuto
Perms are on open
Needs Munitions
Description copied from Nexus:
Live out your gangster fantasies with these 3 new weapons! The Mobster SMG (Uzi), Hi-Power Pistol, and Rolling Lock Pistol (CZ52)!
A bit of a development hell project. But it’s finally out. The Mobster Gat Pack. This mod introduces 3 weapons into the commonwealth, which funnily enough are viable for the Triggermen to use! Of course this will be introduced to other enemies as well!
The Mobster SMG: A slow firing, high-ish damage SMG. This comes with
Standard Semi and Full Auto Receivers
5 Barrels
4 Stocks
2 Iron Sights types
Glow sights
3 Mags + Quick Variants
2 Reflex Sights
2 Combat Sights
6 Muzzle Devices
Laser Sight
Laser Modules
And skins!!
A unique is made called the “Mall Ninja” Located in Haymarket Mall.
Can be found on Triggermen, Gunners, Minutemen, Raider Operators, Legendries and Vendors at level 15
The Hi-Power Pistol is a more premium version of a 9mm Chinese Pistol, however it still spawns rather early. Only snobbish Bostonians have one of these. It comes with
Standard Semi Auto Receivers
4 Grips
2 Barrels
2 Mags + Quick Variants
Glow Sights
2 Reflex Sights
1 Combat Sight
Laser Modules!
There’s a Maria inspired unique called “Santidad “located in Quincy Church.
It can be found on Triggermen, Gunners, Minutemen, Legendries. and Vendors at level 5
The Roller Lock Pistol is an Armor Piercing pistol, great to carry as a sidearm to bigger weapons!
Standard Semi Auto Receivers
3 Grips
2 Barrels
3 Muzzles
2 Mags + Quick Variants
Glow Sights
Laser Modules!
It can be found on Raider Bosses, Brotherhood Scribes, Minutemen, Raider Disciples, Legendries. and Vendors at level 12