Xbox port of xCADAVVER NZ-41 mod
The original Charlton automatic rifles were converted from obsolete Lee–Metford and magazine Lee–Enfield rifles dating from as early as the Boer War, and were intended for use as semi-automatic rifles with the full-automatic capabilities retained for emergency use. It used the 10-round Lee–Enfield magazines and modified 30-round Bren magazines. The weapon was never intended for use as a frontline combat weapon, instead being designed and adopted primarily for the New Zealand Home Guard.
Animations and Implementation: CADAVVER
Models and Textures: Activision/Sledgehammer Games
Sight Reticles and Laser Pointer: NovaFinch
Laser Sight: Degenerate Dak
Bug Fixing: Ardent
Metadata Generation: JKruse05
Leveled List Script: DankRafft
Testing: Catss.