Ported with Open Permissions! Thank you to Tenhats for allowing me to port their work. <3
Nexus: www.nexusmods.com
== Original Description ==
A house, an overpass, and plenty of marsh just south of Quincy. Comes with detailed scrapping, regenerated precombines, dynamic navmeshes, repairable house, and a custom border.
Put this mod near the bottom of your load order
Used once by a quest and then never touched again.
It makes sense to me that this isolated family would join the minutemen after you rescued their long lost son.
Immersive Repair for the house
Accessible Overpass that you can build on, both the collapsed and standing portions. Fully navmeshed.
Peabody Family as Settlers, after you finish their quest.
Highly Scrappable without the need for outside mods.
Regenerated Precombines
Custom Borders which perfectly match the build space.
Dynamic Navmesh that adjusts as you scrap and repair.
Automatic Skeleton Cleanup a short while after you approach the workbench for the first time. It’s just one skeleton though.
Full Functionality such as attack points beyond the borders, minutemen quests, raider quests, provisioners, and so on.
Place “OCsPeabodyHouse.esp” at the bottom of your load order.
You can install this mod at any time.
Other Details
I intentionally left all Quincy cells and previs clusters untouched so this mod should be compatible with most Quincy mods.
NPCs can’t use the edge of the northern tip of the overpass because it’s in a Quincy cell so I didn’t touch it to avoid conflict hell.
Likewise, the red semi-trailer on the overpass has its center in a Quincy cell, so it cannot be scrapped as doing so would requiring editing that cell’s precombines.
The settlement is unlocked by completing the Kid in a Fridge quest. It will unlock immediately if you saved Billy and the family.
If you sold him without rescue you’ll have to kill the family to claim the settlement. They cannot be killed until after you sell Billy.
Thanks to
Glitchfinder for the script used for repairs.
Robboten for letting me use and modify their repaired window meshes from Snappy Housekit.