Adds several new robots to the ranks of the Gunners faction, found wherever Gunners spawn:
Scrappers: Cheap and disposable robots, used mostly for stripping and hauling resources, general scavving or as expendable troops. Generally armed with lower class weapons.
Scrapper Packmasters: Somewhat better armed Scrappers, usually accompanied by a MULE.
MULES: Quadrupedal robots used to haul large amounts of resources. Best be wary though, they can still pack a punch.
Heavy Assaultrons: Larger and sturdier than their standard cousins, they forgo the head-laser in favour of heavy weapons and the new Heavy Assaultron Blade (which can be upgraded to with two new shock based attachments).
Warmaster: The biggest, baddest robot you’re likely to encounter in the Commonwealth. Twin lasers, rocket launcher and the devastating Hunter-killer drone launcher make it a force to be reckoned with. My advice - Keep moving and beware the drones, which will follow you relentlessly. Only three Warmasters can be found in the wasteland - One in Quincy, one outside Gunners Plaza, and one in the Glowing Sea.
What else?
- At the heart of Gunners Plaza, a Gunner soldier sports a unique shoulder mounted robot.
- In the depths of Vault 95, one Private carries his lucky mascot.
- Whispers spread from the Glowing Sea of a robed and hooded robot bearing strange weapons, going amongst the Children of Atom and preaching of a coming storm…