This is a specifically crafted plugin that restores vanilla headers for the XB1 version of the game and can help with crashes from precombine header mismatches due to mods including precombine header records from the steam release.
If you are using Boston FPS Fix VD - AIO, load this AFTER so it can fix the faulty headers that ship with it. The same applies to all plugins that you know edit Far Harbor that do not ship recently made precombined meshes. All Unofficial Patch and PRP location fixes and header changes where required have been forwarded to this plugin to keep them in place.
If you are a console porter, please consult Starhammer/BenRierimanu in your preferred modding discord for the original version of this plugin and instructions to mitigate, to prevent 99% of precombine related crashes on the console. MS Store is also affected and will be handled another way, PS4 needs testing.
Please note that due to record deletions, three cells in the DLC have broken precombines on console and as of current is not fixable in scope with this mod.