Fixed a bug where Squad Theta scouts spawned with the wrong equipment.
This mod was made by me.
This mod NEEDS Automatron, Nuka World, and Far Harbor.
The Recon Corps is a division of the Enclave tasked with mission of securing strategic locations and intelligence gathering. Unlike standard Enclave infantry, Recon Troopers are trained to handle extensive, high-risk operations alone or in small teams deep in hostile territory. Due to their specialized role, they’re often equipped with cutting-edge armors and weapons.
This mod adds a new Enclave themed under armor, a new heavy armor set, a power armor set, and 3 loading screens with new lore. The armors are highly modular and can support different playstyles. There’s also a wide array of decal options to fit most of the ingame factions. This mod also adds 3 new loading screens.
The Recon Armor is on par with Marine Armor and the XR-01 Power Armor is slightly stronger than X-01 at the cost of durability. Both helmets have options for working night vision and thermal goggles as well as loads of customization options.
You can find the Recon Armor on a Remnant lost in the Nula World Gauntlet
Mysterious reinforcements showed up to a the South Boston Checkpoint recently. Recon Squad Theta Remnants can be found within the checkpoint.
Male and Female support
This is not compatible with the old Enclave Recon Armor
I will not make patches for body mods, but other people are welcome to.