Credits to Pig n Friends (CSEPteam)
Nexus link:
Ported with open perms, compressed to 1K like you know and flucking love
15 Makeshift scr4ppy kitbash weapons in one:
Wasteland Chaingun, a highly customizable junky chaingun that shoots faster the longer you hold the trigger.
Scr4p Battle Rifle, a clip fed semi auto early to mid game rifle inspired by the M1 garand.
Tinkerer’s Caster, a heavy plasma gun that can any heavy weapon role, from flamr to grenade launcher.
Tinkerer’s Tesla Cannon, a unique heavy tesla weapon that uses fusion cores to zap your foes.
Restored Revolver, a scr4p made revolver with tons of customizability even custom cylinders that change capacity and ammo type.
Raider Boomstick, A semi auto tube fed shotgun made with whatever junk your local jethead duct taped together.
Homemade Self Loading Rifle, a scr4ppy 5mm mag fed assault rifle, made out of the highest quality drainage pipes.
Scr4p Handgun, a handmade semi auto pistol, an alternative to the pipe pistol in a much more compact form factor.
Radium Pistol, a new handgun to compliment your radium rifle, built off of the deliverer.
Wasteland Flamthrower, a cobbled together flamr made with industrial bits and bobs.
Makeshift Revolving Shotgun, a makeshift semi auto shotgun that feeds from oversized revolver cylinders.
Handmade Bullpup, a bullpupped handmade assault rifle, you may call it cursed, I call it a classic.
Makeshift Nailgun, a steampunk monster that can be turned into a automatic nail pistol or a high powered metal throwing sniper rifle.
Last but not least, the OG, the classic, the Tinkerer’s Raygun, a wasteland laser compliment to the pipe guns.
And bonus, the unique Tinkerer’s Raygun, Early Retirement.
Leveled List Integration:
Wasteland Chaingun, found primarily on raider and mutant bosses after level 10.
Scr4p Battle Rifle, found primarily on raiders and minutemen after level 8.
Tinkerer’s Caster, can be found on Gunners and BOS after level 16.
Tinkerer’s Tesla Cannon, UNIQUE! found in the basement at Gunners Plaza.
Restored Revolver, can be found around the wasteland after level 5 on Raiders and Minutemen.
Raider Boomstick, Can be found on raiders and gunners after level 8.
Homemade Self Loading Rifle, found primarily on raiders and minutemen after level 8.
Scr4p Handgun, Can be found around the wasteland after level 2 on Raiders and Minutemen.
Radium Pistol, can be found around the wasteland after level 10 on children of atom in Boston and Far Harbor.
Wasteland Flamthrower, Can be found on raider bosses after level 8, or anywhere flamrs can be found.
Makeshift Revolving Shotgun, can be found around the wasteland after level 6 on Raiders and Minutemen.
Handmade Bullpup, can be found around the wasteland after level 15 on raiders in Boston and Nuka World.
Makeshift Nailgun, Can be found on bosses and raid road agents after level 8.
Tinkerer’s Raygun, Can be found around the wasteland after level 4 on Raiders and Minutemen.
Early Retirement, UNIQUE! found at the mass fusion containment shed, on the roof.