Credits to jkruse05
Nexus link:
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A lore friendly .223 pistol from the cancelled Black Isle Fallout 3.
This weapon originally appeared in the canceled Black Isle version of Fallout 3, commonly known as Van Buren, as the .223 Autoloader (yes, gun people, I know they’re basically the same). It offered a great opportunity to expand ammo usage with an option beyond the well known “That Gun.” Surprisingly, it didn’t take much to create an automatic pistol scaled to fit rifle ammo due the extreme size of the vanilla 10mm pistol. This handgun is balanced against the vanilla .44 Revolver. It does less damage, but fires faster, has a larger magazine, and a longer range. It looks great with the Cyberpunk animation replacer.
This weapon is rare. It can be found anywhere that a .44 Revolver would normally show up, or potentially on Brotherhood Scribes.
9 Receivers
3 Grips
4 Barrels
5 Muzzles
11 Sights
4 Magazines
Static Spawn: The bunk area inside the Prydwen.
Unique Spawn: Atom Cats garage.
Van Buren Ordnance is a small experimental arms company out of Colorado. They spend most of their budget on military trial weapons; various sidearms, laser weapons, and even gauss weapons. On one hand, they never landed a military contract. On the other hand, their various unique arms became popular among civilian owners who were seeking to fill a niche they didn’t even know existed.
The 5.56 Autoloader was conceived as something akin to our real world PDWs. A rear echelon firearm that was light weight and could penetrate armor. Rather than inventing a whole new round, the engineers at Van Buren Ordnance built a new handgun around the already common .223/5.56. Like their other weapons, the military rejected the design, but enough interest was drummed up in the public to produce and sell a fair number.
In the Wasteland, the Brotherhood has adopted a few of the Autoloaders for much the same purpose that they were originally intended. They are carried primarily by Scribes, who need a powerful, but light weapon for self defense.
jkruse05 - Models, Textures, CK implementation
Hi t man41701 - Animations for the Light Machine Gun (Right Handed Nukaworld AK Replacer)
Cadavver - Animations for the Defense Rifle, version 1.3, New sounds for R-Series Prototype unique, and Screenshots
xrendermanx - Single fire sound for Defense Rifle
F4StoryExpansionProject/Pignessman7 - Automatic sounds for Defense Rifle, lore consultation (expect some tie-in with his quest projects)
DegenerateDak - Combat Scope mesh, West-Tek Optics (And also for making a proof of concept for the laser sights)
Kasarov - Adjusted scope meshes using new riser
a_blind_man - leveled list injection scripts
Winterworld19, Bludwolf77 - Screenshots
C1ph3rr & Ha_ru - Animations for the Defense Rifle, version 1.2 (R91 - Fallout 3 Assault Rifle)
iamtenspeed - new screenshots for version 1.3+