Anybody who has grown up in the United States likely knows that almost all US flags whether they be in commercial, military, or educational instances are accompanied by another flag or two. In most instances, the US flag is accompanied by the state flag and a POW flag. If there is no state flag, the US flag is still usually accompanied by a POW flag.
I went through the world of Fallout 4 and placed many flags in places that I thought would have flags in real life, such as police stations and schools. In places that already had flags like forts and military outposts, I put the POW flag and state flag by the US flag depending on the organization (i.e., a U.S. Army only structure won’t have the state flag but a Massachusetts National Guard structure will). Then I went through a second time with 3 organization flags, U.S. Army, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Air Force. You will find these flags at Fort Hagen, Fort Strong, Coast Guard Pier, and USAF Satellite Olivia respectively. These flags are not able to be built until you clear those locations (you can clear Fort Strong or Fort Hagen for the U.S. Army flag). I also provided a new texture for the U.S. flag to fit the new flags but also fix a vanilla bug with back face culling.
I also added the Chinese and Norwegian flags, you can learn how to build the Chinese flag by completing the quest “Here There Be Monsters” with the Yangtze submarine, and as for the Norwegian flag, I really wanted to let players skip slaughtering the Norwegians by having the requirement simply be discovering the FMS Northern Star, but this didn’t work and now the requirement is to clear the location. Maybe I can fix this in the future.
Most Recent Update: Added appropriate flags to Jamaica Plain and Massachusetts State House. I think my next update will be ambitious, adding the flag of Boston, 50 star U.S. flag, and the flag of the Salem Volunteer Militia. Maybe I will skip the flag of Boston. Hard to tell.