Have you ever wanted to beat Fallout 4 fists only? do you wish you didnt have to lug around a companion or pipe pistol when fighting mutant suiciders or assaultrons? Do you wish the default unarmed fists had more oompf but werent overpowered? Do you want an unarmed overhaul that doesnt affect the perks? well this mod is for you!
Changes included:
halved the damage or nerfed outright the ranged attacks of melee centric enemies (I.E. Super Mutant Suiciders and Assaultrons, as well as behemoth boulder attacks.)
Changed unarmed animations to use the power fist anims (without steam or sound replacement)
Changed unarmed limb behavior to explode only (more oompf)
Upped fists base damage from the meager 8 to a more reasonable 12.
No changes to perks or leveling