I built this mashup with a pile of abandoned mods on a USB. Thank you to all the creators of the OG assets, whoever you are. If this is a problem, I will promptly remove the files. Thanks.
The mod will make things feel just like they should right when you step out of the vault for the first time because it’s supposed to be autumn/fall.
The mod will have wonky things about it at times, but works for a full playthrough, and it looks amazing!
Mods I use in order with this Mod
1.Vivid Weathers
2. Vivid Weathers - Far Harbor
3. Vivid Weathers - Nuka World
4. Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright
5. Vivid Weathers - No Groundfog
6. Fireflies
7. Fallout Texture Overhual - Stars
8. Moon - 1k version
9. Autumn Reborn
10.Gloomy Glass
11. Fixed Alpha Maps
12. Wet - Water Enhanced
13. Vivid Waters
14. Fallout 4 enhance color correction
15. Phylight
16. PhyDark (192)
17. Sunlight Alignment Tweak
18. Enhanced Flickering Firelight
P.S. Whoever wants this mod for pc use or fixing let me know! Thanks.
This also has LOD generated but it’s a Small LOD for file size and all. NO SCRAP MODS!!!