Ported with Open Permissions! Thank you to CSEPteam for allowing me to port their work. <3
Nexus: www.nexusmods.com
== Original Description ==
16 weapons in one + 12 uniques:
.45 Pistol, a 1911 in .45, cuz they don’t make a .46!
Russel’s Pistol, a UNIQUE 1911 with anomalous flair!
Baby Browning, a UNIQUE vest pocket pistol!
Police Riot Shotgun, a tube fed semi auto shotgun!
Tacticool Shotgun, a UNIQUE Police Riot Shotgun!
Magnum Autoloader, a desert eagle with ammo options for .357, .44, and 12.7mm!
Simplified SMG, the Sten, a wasteland favorite!
Radium SMG, a children of atom variant of the Sten!
Handcrafted SMG, Based on the Borz homemade smg!
Vintage Pistol, a C96 with clip fed reloading action!
Smuggler’s Sidearm, a UNIQUE C96 which rewards you for blasting first!
Vintage Shotgun, a Winchester 1897 shotgun! (Bonus M1903 Bayonet Weapon)
Panic Attack, a UNIQUE 1897 shotgun that red AND blu mercenaries love!
Trench Broom, a UNIQUE 1897 shotgun that has SLAMFIRE!
Surplus Rifle, a classic M16A2 based burst fire rifle and carbine!
Prestiged Carbine, a UNIQUE golden M16A2!
Service Pistol, a Beretta 92FS with burst fire customization!
Heavy Soviet Shotgun, a KS-23 shotgun with grenade launcher options!
Molniyeotvod, a UNIQUE KS-23 shotgun with an electric twist!
Classic Combat Shotgun, the Fallout 3 combat shotgun with custom animations!
Just The Worst Shotgun, a UNIQUE Classic Combat Shotgun that’s a bit faster!
European Assault Rifle, a FN FNC assault rifle in 5.56 and 5mm!
Rocket Pistol, a UNIQUE gyrojet pistol that shoots rockets!
Bullpup Sniper Rifle, a UNIQUE one of a kind WA-2000 sniper rifle!
Duplet, a homemade double barrel shotgun, a metro classic!
Force o’ Nature, a UNIQUE duplet with 4 barrels, a fiery favorite of hyper Bostonians!
Leveled List Integration:
.45 Pistol, leveled list Injection after level 6!
Russel’s Pistol, found in on the hood of a car slightly east of BADTFL offices!
Baby Browning, found in the evidence room of the Cambridge PD!
Police Riot Shotgun, leveled list Injection after level 10!
Tacticool Shotgun, found at the Quincy police lockup!
Magnum Autoloader, leveled list injection after level 12!
Simplified SMG, leveled list Injection after level 4!
Radium SMG, leveled list Injection on children of atom after level 5!
Handcrafted SMG, leveled list Injection after level 4!
Vintage Pistol, leveled list injection after level 8!
Smuggler’s Sidearm, found inside the red rocket in the glowing sea!
Vintage Shotgun, leveled list injection after level 10!
Panic Attack, found in The Castle’s armory!
Trench Broom, found in the town surrounding Fort Hagen!
Surplus Rifle, leveled list injection after level 8!
Prestiged Carbine, found in the Bridgeway Trust Bank!
Service Pistol, leveled list injection after level 5!
Heavy Soviet Shotgun, leveled list injection after level 10!
Molniyeotvod, found in the reactor level under the Mass Fusion containment shed!
Classic Combat Shotgun, leveled list injection after level 5!
Just The Worst Shotgun, found at marowski’s secret chem lab!
European Assault Rifle, leveled list injection after level 10!
Rocket Pistol, found in the Jamaica Plain Treasure Room!
Bullpup Sniper Rifle, found at the unmarked north end hoarder’s apartment!
Duplet, leveled list injection after level 5!
Force o’ Nature, found on a unique raider in the medical center metro!
Full credits can be found on the Nexus page! <3