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Mod made by BH - Subleader
Description copied from Nexus:
Full Custom Animations (HK USP)
Custom Models and Textures
Fully compatible with Tactical reload
7 custom sights (HK USP)
5 muzzle devices
6 materials options
2 mounts (HK USP)
Laser and flashlight
…and the U.S. Army shovel as my personal gift:D
You have an optional file for Lvl list, weapon starts spawning at level 20. You can buy it to the traders, craft at the ChemLab under “Weapon - Colt M1911” category
[ Required ] HK USP - Pistol (Hard requirement; u need this for animation keywords and sight assets)
[ Optional ] Tactical Reload (Get this and the optional TR patch on this page if u want tact. reload)
Implementation & Custom Materials & Sound Edits - Broodahood
M1911 Model & Textures - Hung Do
Blackhawk & Obsidian Suppressor - eNse7en
Oil Filter Suppressor - Rico Peters
Military Trench Shovel - radzer
Burris Sight - Garkain, provided by Novafinch
Most of the sights, TLR1, TLR7, Ryder - ParallaxgameStudios
Cubemaps - ajhakra
Testing - Vanzuuu, Panzerkaii, Prophet
Screenshots - Vanzuuu, Panzerkaii, Prophet, Blake69
Also Subleader for the original mod and permission!