Ported with Open Permissions! Thank you to micalov for allowing me to port their work. <3
Nexus: www.nexusmods.com
== Original Description ==
Attachment Pack Unofficial Update and Refinement.
Adds new attachments to some guns and lots of melee weapons
Refines some of the nifbashed assets and some are subpar, especially the Institute lasers (I made em so can say that).
Adds vanilla’fied versions of some of the base Attachment Pack that are more compatible with CC Paints
Integrates and expands the modcols so attachments are used by NPCs.
Modular install options and disable patches for each weapon if you use a certain replacer weapon and do not want to give it up.
= New Attachments =
44 Pistol:
EC barrel conversion
Short Bull Barrel
Conceal Bull Barrel
Pneumatic Addon (Overhauled to add newattachment point to the base mesh)
Iron Sights
Chinese Officer Sword:
The weapon has been near completelyoverhauled, giving it 3 different mesh styles, Jian style (vanilla),
Dao and Chang Dao.
New stealth attachment blades andstandard serrated, shock etc for all blade/handle variants.
Combat Knife:
Tan-to Blade Variants
Stun and shock add-ons
Double Barrelled Shotgun:
Redone the attachment points of themesh so it can support foregrip changes and grip changes.
New medium and long EC barrels
New green polymer stocks with frontgrip changes to match
Heavy Riot with full front grip change
Handmade Assault Rifle (nukaworldak47)/Hunting Rifle/Lever Rifle/Radium Rifle/Combat Rifle/Combat Shotgun:
New laser sight
New Shock Add-on
Book of Eli Style blade
Heavy Blade
Stealth Versions of the blades
New Mesh for the sacrificial blade
Power fist:
Cryo add-on
Heavy Spikes
Revolutionary Sword:
New blades as vanilla mesh is horrid
Serrated shock blades
Sabre variants of the blades
Deathclaw head
Grogneck style head
Makeshift Axehead
2 new grip styles
Makeshift Axe head
2 new grip styles.
Tesla Gun:
Added new attachment point to support 3 new stocks
Short scope and see through version
Submachine Gun:
Reworked tactical recoil stock to fit the marine parts or with out
Laser Sight
Walking Cane:
Redone the weapon so it can support having attachments removing the shaft.
New blade variant with shock and serrated versions for each.
= Mesh Updates for Attachment Pack =
These are mainly on the energy weapon assets, including redo of the insitute assets and some of the nifbashed laser assets with some examples but not all below and the rest refined for performance to reduce drawcalls with duplicate texture calls.