Original mod: www.nexusmods.com by TheProxyGod uploaded with open permissions (see comments section).
Shortly before the Great War, Nuka Cola created a pair of Limited edition vitamin enriched soft drinks with a vintage aesthetic “Nuka-Pear” and “Nuka-Jasmine”. These new flavors boasted a number of lofty claims about their nutritious benefits, everything from protection from illness to literally improving one’s natural healing, the Jasmine flavor in particular was noted to be so fragrant that the consumer would very noticeably smell perfumed. Many of these claims were heavily disputed by independent doctors and physicians, but equally many were paid to promote it.
Ultimately though these two flavors never really saw great popularity, in no small part due to the added price of the stylized bottles, but even the flavors themselves lacked mass appeal. The jasmine’s choking sweetness and fragrance was complained about due to it’s intensity, and surprisingly few people like Pears. Between the lackluster public reception and limited release these drinks were quickly becoming rather rare outside of a few circles of history fans and the Dry Rock Gulch of Nuka World, where they were popular choices for mixing with other flavors.
Post-War their value increased exponentially. The added Vitamins and Minerals were invaluable assets for the malnourished survivors, and the taste certainly was far from terrible even pre-war. The Jasmine in particular was sought after due to it’s perfuming qualities strong enough to mask even the less than optimal hygiene of the scavengers. Although even these practical and utilitarian virtues were not enough to shake the great love for the good ol’ regular Nuka Cola.
These two flavors can be found scattered around the map in a number of locations, most notably in the museum of Concord and the museum of witchcraft, as well as dry rock gulch in nuka world. And, provided I did it correctly, as a possible alternative to normal colas via LL injection.
Nuka Pear has a number of health improving effects, and it’s mixes can provide a variety of healing and curative effects
Nuka Jasmine utilizes “Cloak” effects to primarily focus on boosting nearby companions and settlers, as well as one that damages nearby enemies.
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