Ever wanted to permanently wipe a settlement or maybe clear out a camp of enemies with one bomb? Now you can! Simply craft one of these nuclear devices for your Fatman at a chem station, modify your Fatman to launch them instead of Mininukes and you’re ready to wield a multi-kiloton launcher!
WARNING: This is very powerfull weapon, do not use close and without propper protection!
This mod is based on the original mod “Tactical Nuke Fatman - PS4” (by SlyWolfFallout: mods.bethesda.net) which I’ve found to be nearly unusable (at least on the PS4) due to the very high explosion radius - so there was literally no escape from the blast (which resulted to almost certain death regardless of the character level or protection).
This modification seeks to correct it by dividing the explosion into several parts, as in the case of a real nuclear explosion:
The epicenter of the explosion (Fireball) - with inner Radius 583 and outer radius 1041 - Literally obliterates everytning in this range (even enemies behind walls and obstacles)
Blast damage - with inner radius 5000 (moderate blast) and outer radius 6500 (light blast) - Kills almost everything unprotected
Thermal and radiation damage - with radius of 20000 (almost entire cell) - All within this range is hit by intense radiation and heat damage (wearing Power Armor or Hazmat suit is highly recommended)
This mod also changes the standard FatMan Mininuke explosion effect for an explosion effect of the big Nuke explosion from the game prologue. I recommend to alwais aim in the direction to the N, NE or NW for the best visual experience..