Thanks to the help of a very nice person called BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah i was able to complete this mod with FULL settlement options .
This version has some minor landscaping fixes ( mostly smoothing ).
Two ) has added trees and various plant life
three) Youre gonna need a fishing rod cause it also has FISH .. :P …and a gutting table for your NPC’s to work.
four ) added a couple of buildings just for your starting up ( you can trash them if you dont like them but the small cabin is too cute. )
also note both are navmeshed.
and this one was a pain…
I change ALL the water in 16 cells to a clear prewar sanctuary creek texture so no more yucky water.some very sweet oil lamp lighting …
Now the bad news
It NEEDS far harbor and wasteland workshop (contraptions no longer needed )
The far harbor is intentional but the contraptions is more or less a Beth.. screw up that somehow links this location to something i didnt even use… and after several people looking at it there wasnt a solution.
Everything is scrappable but i wouldnt touch the stuff around the waterfalls etc.. cause some of it is there to hide certain issues like lines in the water etc..
Also note IF you find anything floating just scrap it
Enjoy !!!
HUGE THANKS to GreekRage for this great mod and allowing me to port it to console!
Please do not bother the MA with issues. Report any bugs to me at r/TheVaultGirl