Picture this: you’re trundling through the wasteland, listening to Atom Bomb Baby, when suddenly you see him…an angry Deathclaw, who’s decided that your taste in music is an affront to his very existence and that the only recourse is to turn you into meat ribbons. As he bears down on you, frothing at the mouth and calling you a hipster, you frantically grab your gun and open fire on him…but, unfortunately, all you’ve got is a Thompson SMG and ol’ Colt .45 is doing nothing but ticking off the Deathclaw even more. Through a hail of gunfire he surges, grabbing your leg and yeeting your sorry butt at the horizon, sending you wheeling through the air like an orphaned propeller until gravity takes the wheel and sends you crashing down into the middle of Raider camp, where you’re promptly riddled with bullets, nails, glass bottles, rubber duckies, hammers and a toilet seat. As you lay dying from toilet seat-induced injuries, you think to yourself “Shoot…wish I had a bigger gun…”
Well, wish no more, hypothetical toilet seat victim! Whether it’s Deathclaws, Yao Guai, Radscorpions or Marcy Long, if you want to stop them in their tracks hard and maybe blow their face off while you’re at it, the 4 Bore is just what the doctor ordered!
Disclaimer: Doctors don’t recommend using a 4-Bore to treat injury, disease, or ennui. Side effects may include death.
As you might expect, this mod adds a 4-Bore rifle for you to find and shoot baddies with, coming with custom meshes, textures and sounds, as well as a tidy host of customization options. The 4-Bore is a single-shot rifle dealing a base 120 damage, though when initially found it’s weaker, requiring refurbishment to improve its damage. Due to its raw stopping power, the 4 Bore also has some unique features: certain ammo types can physically penetrate cover, raining hell on anyone hiding behind a wall or sandbags. certain kinds can also punch through armor. Also, due to the massive kickback this thing has, at lower Strength levels you’ll have trouble handling the gun; mostly, this manifests as increased stagger, and if you’re a spindly nerd with a strength of 2 or less, you’ll not only have the gun get blown out of your grip, but you’ll be knocked on your bum and both your arms will be crippled. However, Power Armor will mitigate the kickback of the 4-Bore, allowing you to wield it without any issues.
The 4-Bore can be found in the Boylston Club, locked up in a display case.