Been listening to The Silver Shroud Radio for hours waiting for the next quest objective but nothing?
This mod fixes that, so you can fully enjoy the quest and hear all of Kent’s crime broadcasts without having to resort to other immersion breaking workarounds!
Update 10/31/2024:
Trying to get your Silver Shroud armor upgraded but Kent won’t do it? What’s his problem? This mod now also fixes that so he upgrades it when he should even if you are level 45 or above.
If you have any questions about the mod you can contact me on discord @ezzypixel
(Everything past this point is not required to read and is optional to read if you just wanna know more):
Nerdy details of the radio fix:
This part of the mod edits “RadioSilverShroudQuest”
In “RadioSilverShroudQuest” one of the conditions to hear the radio broadcast for the next quest objective is:
(GetVMQuestVariable (targetname)info == 0)
This mod changes that to:
(GetVMQuestVariable (targetname)info >= 0)
The (targetname)info variable is set by the vanilla quest script to 1 when the radio scene for the next quest objective has started playing. If you shut off the radio broadcast without getting the objective that radio scene cannot be listened to again since one of the conditions to hear Kent’s radio broadcast is for the value to be 0 (not yet played).
Now that the condition can be either 0 or 1 the broadcast will always play until you acquire the next quest objective. The other vanilla conditions will then naturally prevent it from playing again once the objective is obtained.
And that’s all this part of the mod changes. Nothing else. Works like a charm.
It makes me wonder why the condition for whether Kent’s broadcast was played already or not was added in the first place? Maybe realism? Like if you’ve missed the broadcast, then you’ve missed it, too bad! Haha.
Update 10/31/2024:
Nerdy details of the armor upgrade bug:
This part of the mod edits “RadioSilverShroudQuest” and “MS04PostQuest”.
The “MS04PostQuest” has conditions to determine whether Kent will upgrade your armor. One of those conditions is:
your level >= MS04ArmorLevel
MS04ArmorLevel is a global variable that is changed during the silver shroud quest depending on your current level, in order to find out what the next level upgrade for the silver shroud costume should be.
So if you are below level 25, the quest sets MS04ArmorLevel to 25, letting the post quest know that Kent should upgrade your shroud armor when you are at level 25 or higher. If you are level 25+ MS04ArmorLevel is set to 35, and if you are 35+ MS04ArmorLevel is set to 45. All fine, right?
However, when you are level 45+, for some reason, the quest sets MS04ArmorLevel to 100. That means Kent is now waiting for you to reach level 100 or higher to upgrade your costume. Weird, right? I’m assuming this was probably an oversight.
The fix:
I just simply added a condition wherever required so whenever the “MS04PostQuest” or “RadioSilverShroudQuest” is checking if:
your level >= MS04ArmorLevel
I added the condition:
OR MS04ArmorLevel = 100
Since MS04ArmorLevel is set to 100 when you are at level 45+ this makes it so now the upgrade event triggers when you are level 45 or above.
Once upgraded to max, the vanilla post quest script then naturally sets MS04ArmorLevel to 999 on it’s own, ending the quest upgrades.
And that’s all, problem solved. Enjoy, Shroud!