Credits to arobot96
Open perms; Nexus link:
My take on what the Fallout 4 rifle should have been. Craftable in the Chembench. Includes LL injection. !!Made on next gen update!!
My take on what the F4 rifle should have been. Instead of being a massive hunking eye sore i’ve gone with a future retro mix of the XM8 and G36 with some other influences sprinkled in. Has leveled lists, thank you Dank LLinject script link, spawns at level 15, can be bought at most merchants and is for the most part balanced.
Porter’s notes
Textures in 1K. This mod is .esl flagged, so it will go somewhere to the top of your LO. Hand hovers slightly under foregrip but that is an issue with the animations that the mod author chose. Everything works though!
Original mod made by arobot96