A port of “Ziplines and Treehouses - Also longer power lines” by El ha / Zorkaz.
Full credit goes to Zorkaz and thank you for having open permissions for porting to console. <3
== Original Description ==
Construct Ziplines to slide down onto +
6 Types of Treehouses built as Prefabs
= Treehouses =
6 Tree Houses with snap points for doors, stairs and possible floors.
(+2 with leaves)
They are navmeshed and require 35 wood to create
Found under Wood / Prefabs <–
= Ziplines =
As soon as you construct them both Start and End piece are created
Starting from the Start piece will be faster, using the End piece will be slower
Connecting the wires is an aesthetical option but is not required, the script does work
without it.
They can be found under Furniture / Misc <–
This also makes electric wires three times longer
Maybe some special mod might override this, so make sure you load this last!
Nexus: www.nexusmods.com