Ever find it odd that in a world abandoned for over 200 years, no one has tagged or painted their surroundings? In the real world, locations abandoned for even mere months are subject to street artists, however this never seemed to apply in the world of Fallout 4. Fallout 3 and even New Vegas to some extent had a fair presence of graffiti, it’s time we bring that to Fallout 4. While exploring you will find various forms of graffiti, either hidden or out in the open. Sometimes it’s in clusters, sometimes it’s a one-off. Graffiti comes in a large array of colors, shades, and variations. All graffiti was chosen to be believable in the world of Fallout, but fit into a variety of load orders. What this means is you won’t see anything out of place for the world of Fallout, however if you’re running a more urban/modern game the graffiti will also fit in.