Realistic Rate of fire for Minigun’s [PC]
[Conflicts: With any mod that alters either Minigun or Gatling Laser Weapon.]
Fallout 4’s mingun’s fire rate is 272 which by real world standards S-U-C-K-S.
So What did I do?
I created 4 new modifications for the Minigun AND Duh da da dah dah dahhhh…, the Gatling laser, Their stats are:
Accelerated Reciever: 75% Increase in fire rate
Nuclear Magnetic Accelerated Reciever: 150% Increase in fire rate
Fusion Neodymium Accelerated Reciever: 225% Increase in fire rate
Quantum Cryogenically Cooled Electromagnetic Assisted Reciever: 300% Increase in fire rate
1090 rounds per minute still over 50% reduced fire rate than real world minigun’s, but the limit of the game engine is reached and pushing the fire rate higher did not make any noticeable difference when testing.
You’ll need big gun and science perks for crafting these mods.