Adds a doctor to Drumlin diner to provide early game medical services when exploring the top left commonwealth map in survival.
Version 002 adds a mod cleanup uninstaller <<<
If your running survival, hoovering up kills and stuff around the top left of the map in the early game can be painful with infection and rads. Not finding antibiotics and sprinting to Bethany, Patricia or Sun is irritating. Where do the Lexington based raiders go for their medical needs anyway ?
Drumlin is a busy encounter zone with a trader and chems pusher, so natural for a peripatetic medic to take a load off and set up shop. You may notice that Doc Drumlin is related to Doc Anderson.
Compatibility: The mod has no dependencies on extenders or DLCs and does not change any base game assets or objects, its 100% pure new Creation Kit forms (no scripts !). There are no issues with load order, unless you have a mod that messes with the Drumlin Diner location markers (which they shouldn’t).
Validated compatibility:
Concord Expanded
Immersive Drumlin Diner
PC Manual download installation: Copy DocDrumlin.esp to your …\Fallout 4\Data directory, enable in the Bethesda mod menu, mod manger or whatever.
Mod uninstall & removal: v002 a Medikit tagged “Doc Drumlin’s stuff” is on the North diner ledge. Activate “Disable the Doc” before removing the mod. The next time you exit and return to the cell, Doc Drumlin will be gone. If you do this by mistake, remove the mod, load & save to cleanup, add the mod and Doc Drumlin should return. This is here because I dislike mods that can not be cleanly removed from a savegame. users: I know you don’t do manual install or removal, just disregard. I use this same description text on and as I CBA to maintain multiple edits.
You may also like: If you are on PC and enjoy spending time in the area, Concord Expanded adds a heap of interest.
PC or
PlayStation® <= after more than 10,000 lines of complex papyrus script, I have finally created a script free mod for PS4 !