*** Required Dependencies : Creation Club Chinese Stealth Armor ***
[UPDATE]: Version 5 - Added one more modification from PA helmet. A separate full suit that takes up minimum slot and it allows layering of other clothing/armor/hat/helmet. There will be clipping. Minimum slot on separate suit and helmet too.
Version 4 - Added more modification options. Default quest obtained armor only has ballistic weave option. Special effect modification taken from my “Injection” mod and only available on helmet and craftable Chinese Stealth Armor. To scrap the item after it is legendary, remove the legendary mod.
Version 3 - Fixed crashing when crafting the armor. If you r equipping “Selene” from another mod, unequip it before wearing the armor. Only the suit version works with “Selene” though there is some clipping.
Version 2 - Separated the helmet and the suit. Helmet comes with radiation reduction. When equipped helmet alone, wear some clothing else there will be “neck seam”. Try not to layered armor over the suit, there will be clipping. Lastly, check for crashing when crafting these items. I have a few occurances.
[INFO]: This was created to add more value to those who purchase the “Chinese Sthealth Armor” CC content. Added ballistic weave and it can be crafted just in case player sold or drop the item.
Note: Under Required Dependencies, I can’t link to items in CC but you need to purchase the content before you can use this mod.