SpaceLupine’s Weapon Tweaks
Other versions:
- PC, No DLC -
- Xbox, No DLC -
Short description:
- Adjust all weapons to each have an interesting ‘feel’ and increase damage for all weapons to deal with late-game enemies being bullet sponges.
- melee weapons - double damage
- guns - mostly increase damage by 50%
- increase gun bashing damage
- detailed descriptions for many weapon mods (eventually all)
Detailed description/difference from base game:
- shotguns - increase damage, lower range increment, increase damage falloff (damage decreases faster), using sights no longer tightens the spread
- energy weapons : lower/non-existant recoil
- Extra recoil from pipe weapons and slower reload rate
- slightly faster fire rate for prewar guns, slightly more recoil
- .45 submachineguns are dangerous now, low accuracy and high recoil to compensate
- all guns that had a static recoil amount now have variable recoil amounts (each shot will have a different amount of recoil)
- pipe weapons have a lower effective range, but higher damage
- .38 and 10mm are almost double damage
- Add armor piercing to Minigun and Plasmagun
- other things I’ve probably forgotten
- AWKW/AWKCR required/compatible
- Compatible with many graphics/texture mods (I run quite a few)
- See-Through Combat Scopes mostly compatible
- will conflict with anything that changes the base weapon mods
- will potentially cause odd behavior with anything that adds additional mods to the base weapons
Tools used:
Creation Kit
- Legendary weapons
- DLC weapons
- finish detailed descriptions
- finish changing weapon mods
- more balance/tweaking across all levels
- look at diffs and write a proper description of all changes