BethNet has very limited space for description so I cannot include perk descriptions here - I will just list a few highlights and new additions. If you want to check the full description and perk changes, they will be included in the description for this mod on ( This mod also incorporates my Fill’em Up Again (Dynamic Bottle Recyclation) and Proportional Roasting and Water Boiling mods so do NOT use them alongside this!
- These are my personal tweaks to Fallout 4 perks to make my ironman (no reloading after death) playthroughs more fun and less annoying (doesn’t mean you are meant to play ironman style yourself of course). Most of the perks were touched in some way - some are slightly weakened, some are slightly strengthened, some are repurposed and some are merged to make room for new lore-friendly perks.
- ISO reintroduces Radiation Poisoning from Fallout 3 / New Vegas to make radiation even more dangerous and deadly. The effects are virtually the same as in those games: Minor Radiation Poisoning -1 END (200-399 Rads); Advanced Radiation Poisoning -2 END, -1 AGL (400-599 Rads); Critical Radiation Poisoning -3 END, -2 AGL, -1 STR (600-799 Rads); Deadly Radiation Poisoning -3 END, -2 AGL, -2 STR (800-999 Rads).
- Alcohol now makes you drunk. Your vision will be deformed and you will randomly stumble (without the proper perks).
- The Handyman perk adds weaponized junk tools as weapons including stuff like wrenches, hammers, shovels for melee combat, and blowtorch and hack saw bow (a little easter egg) for ranged. Over 20 handyman’s weapons available in total.
- Cybernetics Station allows you to get even more perks via implants. These are based on New Vegas’ implants and perks from past games that didn’t make it to Fallout 4.
- Farm animals that provide various bonuses and can follow you around. (Multiple can follow you at on time.
- Workbenches no longer require Local Leader 2 to be built.
- Weapon shape perks now provide 10% bonus per rank; however, Blacksmith, Gun Nut and Science provide another 10% bonus per rank for damage types (melee, ballistic and energy respectively).