Normally, the One Ring places an unbearable burden on wearer, however, after some serious irradiation it’s nature has totally changed. Now the One Ring will carry the unbearable burden of the wearer on it’s own shoulders, allowing you to carry an additional 999 pounds of weight.
Items included:
- The One Ring - add 999 pounds of carry weight
- Not Not Quite One Ring - add 100 pounds of carry weight (for those who don’t want to cheat as much)
Item location:
- Toolbox located on top of Vault 111 (starting location) in front of a yellow forklift. The power of the ring is such that the toolbox has been protected from becoming manky. Check screenshots for exact location.
Power Armour mods (available at any power armour modification station):
- Ring Welded arm misc mods - add 999 pounds of carry weight to an arm piece by “welding” your ring too it. You can apply to both arms at the same time. Don’t try and do the maths though, because it doesn’t add up lol.
Version 3.0 -
Added “The Not Quite One Ring”
Version 2.0 -
You can now find this item in a toolbox near Vault 111.
You can also now modify your power armour’s arms by welding your ring onto them..
Version 1.0 -
To access this item, use the console to add it to your inventory and then equip it in your ring slot.
player.additem xx000F99 1
(where xx is your mod load order)
You can try the following console command to show you what it has loaded as:
help “One Ring” 0